Bishop Clement Mulenga, SDB.
At the creation of kabwe as a diocese, Fr. Clement Mulenga, SDB was appointed as its first Bishop. He was the consecrated as bishop on 17th December 2011, and on the following day took canonical possession of the Diocese.
Chibombo for a singing festival
Gallery Youth choirs of the diocese have gathered at St. Pauls of the Cross parish- Chibombo for a singing festival. 21 parishes are represented. We
Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Sacred Heart in Kabwe
Bishop Clement Mulenga, Sdb, on tuesday 26 March 2024 celebrated Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Sacred Heart in Kabwe. Priests were also in attendance
Major Services
Kabwe Diocese, located in Zambia, was joyfully inaugurated on the 29th of October in 2011, and rightfully so, as it was a result of the papal bull “Cum Nuper” issued by the beloved Pope Benedict XVI. It brings us great pride to say that it is the eleventh Catholic Diocese in the country, and we are excited to see the great things that will come from it in the future.